Joint Venture Hospital Laboratories Logo

Compliance Corner

Privacy issues: To report a concern or if you think protected health information has been compromised, please complete and submit the secure form below.


Compliance issues: To report a compliance concern including fraud, waste, or abuse, please complete and submit the secure form below.


The JVHL Compliance Department will review the information provided and maintains the highest level of confidentiality as permitted by law.


The most common types of health care privacy violations or fraud, waste, and abuse activities are:

  • Billing for services never provided
  • Billing for more expensive services than were actually provided
  • Incorrectly stating a diagnosis to get higher payments
  • Performing unnecessary services to get higher payments
  • Misrepresenting non-covered procedures as medically necessary
  • Selling, inappropriately sharing or accessing protected health information

Please note, you do not have to leave your name or any information about yourself to report these types of issues.  However, we will make every effort to protect your identity if you include contact information.  Most importantly, JVHL cannot take any action against you for letting us know about privacy violations or fraud, waste, or abuse activities.

Do you wish to submit this form anonymously? No identifiable information will be sent.

Date of occurence
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Describe the issue

Joint Venture Hospital Laboratories | 999 Republic Drive Suite 300 | Allen Park, MI 48101 | Phone: 800-445-4979 or 313-271-3692
TTY/TDD: 313-294-5958 | Fax: 313-441-1668 | Email:
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